It feels like ages in between my posts at the moment. I know, I tell myself that everyday. I have been doing some work behind the scenes on the blog (more on that very soon in a blog post near you), and hopefully soon it'll be all shiny and ready! All my little free time (= blog time!) is going into those changes at the moment, I am really enjoying learning new ways of doing things and can't wait to bring all my plans to life!
That's part of my plan to kick off the new year making things happen! Or trying to, at least.
And talking of which, it's not too late to make changes at home that will help you have a fantastic year ahead! Sometimes by changing little things you achieve great results. Your home should be the place where you relax and recharge your batteries, so make it fit for its purpose, no more excuses!
Have I convinced you yet? Alright. Let's get stuck in...
1. Move that clutter away!
I'm a great believer that if you haven't used something for a year than you probably don't need to own it. A lot of the things we own are seasonal. Look at Christmas decs for example, you know you'll always use them (ok, maybe not all of them every year but they're there if you need them!)
So if you're holding on to that dress that hasn't left your closet for 3 years, or that pile of stuff on your desk hasn't been touched for a long time, it's time you move it! Pass it on! Donate it! Believe me, you'll feel better after you do it. There's something so refreshing about getting rid of the old, it will make space for the new and make your house look fresh!
2. Clean up those cupboards.

Admittedly we don't have much time here to tidy up our cupboards too often, but I force myself to do a deep clean and tidy at least twice a year. It's amazing how many jars of food go out of date within that time. Or you end up finding that things you thought you lost ages ago actually still live at the same address as you!
The fridge is also a good one to get clean and tidy - we open the fridge so many times each day, and the thought of opening a messy fridge and thinking 'I must clean it!' every single time is too distracting, while should be focusing on your goals. I told you, it's the little things!
3. First impressions

How does your hallway look at the moment? I have created some solutions for ours to keep it always tidy and presentable but sometimes life still gets in the way.
It is worth making an effort to keep it clean and tidy, it is the first thing you (and your guests!) see when you get home and that's where the relaxing and enjoying being home begins.
Hallways are very often overlooked being a practical small space where you are just passing! However it is still decorating and styling worthy. Have you thought of painting it in an exciting new colour or putting up a new wallpaper? A new statement mirror and shoe bench? The possibilities are endless, I'm currently collating ideas in my Pinterest board.
4. Make plans for your home
Are you thinking of moving home this year? Or have you just moved and would like to inject some style and personality into your home? The time to plan it is NOW!
Put your ideas down, choose your colours, your scheme, make plans! It is so exciting and will bring your every room to life! And if you need a helping hand I'm always happy to help :)

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