If you've been following me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook you'll already know the most exciting news I had last month...
The Room Alive Blog has been nominated for an Amara Interior Blog Award in the Best Newcomer Category
To celebrate that, I though I'd share with you five reasons why I do what I do!
- Back in April 2015 I launched The Room Alive as my daughter was just over three months old, and between play dates, nap times and the frequent feeding I started dedicating my time to blogging and sharing my passion for good design and interiors! I knew my obsession for Interior TV shows had to go further than just recording and watching every episode of 'The Great Interior Design Challenge' at least three times. After I finished my Interior Design degree in 2014 I needed an outlet to share my passion!
- Because everyone deserves to have a home they love! And if I can inspire people to get closer to their 'happy home' then that means I'm achieving my goals.
- I am a creative person, always thinking of ways to customize or DIY something, or even planning parties and events just so I can get creative decorating them with a new theme every time. Just because it makes everything that much more special and unique. Blogging and creating beautiful interiors was my escape.
- Because I learn something new every day. I'm a qualified Graphic Designer as well, so I was fine with Photoshop and Illustrator, but I had to learn so much about blogging platforms, analytics, SEO, code, optimizing for each social media platform, mailing platforms, and I could go on and on. I've learned so much over the last 16 months, and I know I've got a lot more to learn still, but I can proudly say that I've done it all on my own so far (with the help of hundreds of you tube videos and tutorials of course, so perhaps not 100% on my own!)
- Because of the amazing people that I have met and come across so far in this journey! In person and online! It is so amazing to be able to meet so many inspirational people that are achieving their goals and making things happen by doing what they love. I can only hope that I will be able to inspire people in the same way one day!
So even though the last year has been the busiest I have ever had by far, I do not regret one bit about it. I would do it all again if I needed to (of course I wish I knew back then all I know now!)
As the months go by, I have bigger plans for The Room Alive and I'll keep you posted - hopefully quite soon...
So if you enjoy reading my posts and if I ever inspired you to make your house a happy place, then please spare 30 seconds to vote for me! I'll thank you in beautiful interior photos and more inspiration for your home :)
You can do so by clicking here or in any of the images in this post. Voting ends on Friday 9th of September.
But just in case you do need some more convincing... Amara has teamed up with sponsor LSA International and they're giving away a £500 gift voucher to spend on their stunning products, and you get a chance to win by voting!
Thank you for the support and fingers crossed I'll be sharing even more amazing news soon x
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