We got busy here over Easter. I put the plans for the lounge together! Mood board done, paint & primer bought, wall measured, picture ledge on order! I can't wait to see it come to life. The plan is that while me and Baby L visit my family, hubby will keep busy and tackle the painting and install my long desired picture ledge/shelf. And I will do the styling when we return. Something great to look forward to!
The major changes are in the walls and accessories. Our lounge is currently nice. New and nice. But I'm really looking for cosy stylish grey walls with a wall-to-wall picture ledge that will tell a story and complement the contemporary white furniture and big inviting comfy sofas, all looking pretty awesome under the adored high ceiling! That's the goal.
The wall-to-wall picture ledge will be the main feature, colour matching the wall. Imagine the styling I could do at Christmas...! Amazing... I have been admiring some picture ledges lately, you can see my inspiration here. The other fun part now begins, sourcing the items that will complete the scheme, and figuring out which ones I can make and which ones I'll order in. Watch this space...
In the meantime, here they are, my mood board and plan. What do you think?
I have chosen grey for the wall, and incorporated gold accessories to add warmth to the room. The soft furnishing will be off-white with blue/grey pattern.
Off for some accessory-shopping now...
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