Edit: There has been a few updates to this room since the reveal back in August, and I'll be sharing them soon! A few things have been added and changed whilst keeping it a toddler friendly family space which was one of my main tasks. If you'd like to be notified when the Living Room 2nd reveal is published, sign up for updates and I'll let you know. I hope you enjoy the post!
A few months ago we started the living room makeover! When we moved in five months ago the room looked small and tired covered with beige walls, brown curtains and heavy carpets. There was no real focal point, just four plain walls.
We wanted a bright room with accents of colour and defined areas. We share the living room with our toddler, so we needed a defined play area and plenty of toy storage so we could hideaway all the toys gone seven o'clock. We also wanted plenty of seating and a place where we could totally wind down at the end of the day and put our feet up.
Here's how the room looked when we moved in:
Beige walls and carpets took over the room before.
Sky was keeping me company as I got the room ready for the makeover!
The brown and beige combo made the room look dark and narrow.
The first thing we did was getting a focal point built: a wall to house the TV and fire surround. Our handyman got that done while Mr Room Alive started painting the walls. I wanted also a half blush half white wall (more inspiration here) and we got that done the night before we were getting the floor done. Check how we did it here.
The fire surround starts to take shape.
Almost done...
A happy me at 2am as the straight line came out perfectly!
Once the floor was done, it was the exciting time to get the furniture in and style the room. It has taken longer than I would have liked, but i wanted to get the right pieces in, and let's face it when you are working full-time and have a toddler around just all the time on the days off, it is hard to find the time. But we got there! And here is the finished room...
We chose blinds instead of curtains and white as a background to make the room look wider and brighter.
The living room now has a focal point with the teal fire surround. All the accessories around it are brass, black/white or oak to complement it.
The half white half blush wall has been a hit, making the room look taller and making it a cosy and peaceful place.
There is a defined play area and plenty of toy storage to put all them all away at the end of the day.

Blush, grey & white work really well to create a peaceful family space
The fire surround styled with black & white accessories
The foot stool doubles as a coffee table (soft corners, perfect for children!) and also as additional seating when we have guests over.
The book shelf & plants style one of the corners of the room.
Drop me a line below to say what you think... I'll be sharing my living room shopping list soon so you can get the same look & accessories!
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