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Behind the Scenes on starting up a wallpaper business + Our first collection

You know that feeling when you've been working on something for months and it finally becomes a reality? Anyone out there who is a work-at-home-mum or a creative/maker or has started up a business will identify with that! The journey is not easy. After months of researching, designing, planning... it is finally here, our wallpaper collection has landed!  It has taken a completely failed attempt, a lot of sleepless nights, trials and errors, several meetings and a lot of going back and forth between designs and colour ways to get to where we are. Initially I 'lost' 3 months with a failed attempt, and I did reach a point where I couldn't see the way forward.But when you are determined...

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Spring days out with the family & WeeRide Review

Bringing the outdoors in has been one of the most talked about trends in Interiors this year, and now that the summer is around the corner there has been also a lot of talk about taking the indoors out, which is a really interesting concept and we will leave it for another post as there is so much inspiration to share on that!for now though i just wanted to share something really cool that we have been doing as a family!My little one is now so much more aware of her surroundings and also demanding of activities, being true to her age, as a typical two and a half year old little person who has her needs.As we face brighter...

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Five ways to dress your home for Easter (and more!)

Easter is only a few days away, but fear not if you have not yet ticked things off your to-do list, or if you're adopting the last-minute approach because... well life gets in the way! There is still time to make it look as though you've been planning for a month to impress the kids, family, friends, whoever it is that you'll be hosting this weekend!  We have picked five easy ways to dress your home (and one to reward yourself at the end!) Some of them will require some DIY, but nothing that a trip to hobby craft and/or the supermarket can't resolve. If you've got kids on a school break this will also be a fun way to...

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A guide to Mother's Day Shopping

life doesn't come with a manual: it comes with a motherThe time is nearly here, to pamper the special women in your life and if you're a mum to be pampered too.Being a mum  is the hardest 'job' I've ever had, but also by far the most rewarding. You don't mind if you have to 'work' overtime because your little ones are ill or unsettled, because seeing a smile on their faces and them wanting a cuddle and feeling protected when you are around is worth so many sleepless nights.I've only been doing it for just over two years, and still have much more to experience. Our second daughter arrives next month and that will take this whole MUM business...

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Before & After: A girls bedroom makeover

We have been living in our current home for a year now, time is flying by! At the end of last year we started decorating my daughter's bedroom, we should have done it sooner however we were waiting for the wallpaper to be ready as it was the starting point and inspiration for her bedroom decor. Not to mention that since we moved we also decorated the living room, master bedroom, study, guest bedroom and renovated the ensuite - it was a very busy year! But getting back to this girly makeover... the room beforeWhen we moved in, the room couldn't look further from what we envisioned for a toddler's bedroom. Dark burgundy feature wall sitting next to lilac walls, skirting boards...

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